We are proud to announce that Albert Di Rienzo has been awarded the prestigious status of IEEE Life Senior Member.
His contributions to the advancement of the medical device and other industries have been long and exceptional from both an innovation and commercial perspective. The IEEE have recognized Albert for many years of loyal membership and support of the activities of the IEEE.
One Health Group is delighted to have Albert as its Co-Founder and President.
About One Health Group
OHG is a medical technology innovator with a mission to bring breakthrough health diagnostics, therapeutics, monitoring, screening, and advanced analytics to market. Driven by seeking solutions to preventing needless animal and human illnesses, often attributable by a lack of health data, OHG has developed a patented mobile health assessment technology that uses intelligent sensors and artificial intelligence to provide personalized, context-based real-time health information. OHG’s goal is to provide a unique health platform that integrates animal, human, and environmental data, which are intrinsically linked.